Recommending a clutch system for a specific application is not as simple as it seems.
We’ve talked many times before about all of the essential factors in selecting a clutch. While it is important that you send the most important details to us, it’s just as essential to make sure we know how you intend to use the vehicle and what your expectations for the clutch are.
How do you want the car to drive? Are you okay with an aggressive engagement? Or, do you expect a perfectly smooth engagement?
We need to know these details to make a reliable recommendation so you’re happy with your clutch system.
If you are building a high-horsepower street car and you intend to drive it like you stole it, tell us that! We will make a different recommendation for you in this situation than if you tell us you are just building a cruiser with a big power engine to go to shows and never intend to drive it hard.
If you tell us it’s a street/strip car, we’ll ask if you are more concerned with track performance than how the clutch drives on the street. In some cases, it may be hard to satisfy both desires, and compromise may be necessary.
Your honesty about vehicle usage is crucial to ensuring you are satisfied with the clutch system you purchase.
On our E-Tech form, put this information into the block ‘type your e-tech question here.’
Don’t be shy about including as much info as you can for us to give you the best answer. This really goes for all the information we request on the form! Know that if we have any questions, if the application is complex, or if we need additional details, we will call you to make sure we both get it right.
And you can always request a phone call if that makes you more comfortable.
While we are on this subject, let me mention tech questions or problems. If you have an issue with a RAM product, it is also imperative that we get as much information from you as possible to help you diagnose your issue.
Please don’t hold back any info that might help us troubleshoot for you using the E-Tech form. This is especially important when answering hydraulics questions.
We need the setup measurements to help you use the hydraulic bearing tech form.
Just like most things in life, taking your time and providing good information will create the best possible outcomes.